As you all know Android is the current, up and coming OS in the world mobile devices scenario. For the people who are still kind of new to Android, it is an operating system (Linux based) for mobile devices which has been developed in C, C++, Python and Java. It is quite the rage these days due to the look and feel of android developed devices and the ease of development and of course because it is a product led by Google.
Actually Google had financed the guys who started Android initially and later on they have purchased it. And that was good too cuz voila Google had released ANDROID as open source software under the Apache License so that world wide developers can test their developing skills with Android and produce more varied apps and extensions.I have been meddling with Android too not because i`m a hardcore Android fan but because we had to study the OS for our mobile application development module of the degree i`m following. What we first had as an assignment was to develop a Math Quiz for mobile devices. We had guidelines as to how we should implement the applications such as having different levels for players to play the game (Easy, Medium , Hard, Guru).
In each level of this app the user will be presented by Mathematical Expression to be solved in a given time frame and once the user has answered the questions his score will be calculated and displayed. In the Easy level the user was given a mathematical expression with one operator, in Medium level two operators, in Hard level three and in the Guru level four operators. (I of course only excelled in the easy and Medium levels ;) )We used Java to develop the game and the output looked like below.
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